About CLEA
California Law Enforcement Association® (CLEA)
CLEA is a non-political, non-profit benefit association committed to offering the best benefits available to California law enforcement. For 38 years the CLEA Long Term Disability (LTD) Plan has served the California law enforcement community with comprehensive Long Term Disability Benefits at the best rate.
CLEA payroll protection (LTD) covers up to 85% of wages (90% in some situations), with a maximum monthly benefit of $10,000 on most LTD plans. Benefits include: Lifetime Benefit, Sick-Leave Integration Benefit, Challenged Workers’ Compensation Benefits, and a Death Benefit.
The CLEA (LTD) Plan has paid more than $134 million in benefits to its members and their families. CLEA’s LTD plan, which serves nearly 21,000 law enforcement personnel in California, is the largest of its kind in California.
“The amount we’ve paid to support our members while keeping rates down really shows what we’re all about,” said Dave Boffi, CLEA President. “We’re here to support the welfare of our members by paying the benefits they need. Many of the people who depend on us would have been financially devastated without CLEA behind them.”
“The CLEA plan was founded on the desire to provide law enforcement officers with long-term disability coverage that was superior to the other plans available,” explained Jerry Hall, a former Santa Clara County deputy sheriff who was the charter president of CLEA and former Chairman of the Plan’s board. “I don’t know that we ever thought it would grow to where it is today with more than $100 million paid out. Our priority was always to ensure that our members would be able to have the highest level of income protection when they needed it the most.”
“I’m grateful and pleased to know that over $100 million in benefits have been paid to officers in need, with the care and concern that one would like to have for their brothers and sisters,” Hall said. “I’m also proud that because they’ve had this Plan available to them, they have saved hundreds of thousands of premium dollars over the years through CLEA.”
CLEA is operated, managed and funded by its members through a representative Board of Directors. CLEA is a non-profit California corporation.
Learn more about CLEA
Who is CLEA?
Learn about the history of CLEA.
Compare the CLEA market share to other long term disability plans for peace officers.