8 Financial Power Moves Every Officer Needs to Make Before 40

law enforcement officers CHP

Written By Nicholas McGill

Written By Nicholas McGill

Published September 5, 2024

Listen up, officers. You’re out there putting your life on the line every day, keeping our streets safe. But are you applying that same intensity into your financial game? It’s time to stop making excuses and start building up your financial foundation. Here are 8 power moves you need to make before 40. Let’s go!

1. Build a Bulletproof Emergency Fund

Look, crap happens. You know that better than anyone. That’s why you need to have 3-6 months of expenses saved up. Start with $1000, then keep pushing. Every paycheck, 10% goes straight to this fund. No excuses. This is your financial bulletproof vest. Wear it.

2. Obliterate High-Interest Debt

Credit card debt is like a bad arrest – it’ll come back to haunt you. Here’s the game plan: List every debt. Attack the highest interest rate first. Throw every dollar at it. It’s simple but not always easy. And yeah, that might mean no more $5 coffees or new gadgets for a while. Suck it up because being debt-free will make you feel ten pounds lighter.

3. Maximize Retirement Contributions

Listen, your pension is great, but it’s probably not going to be enough. You need to diversify. Max out your department’s 457(b) or 401(k). Then open an IRA and max that too. Can’t afford it? Horse crap. Find a way. Flip stuff on eBay. Start a side hustle. Do whatever it takes. The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now.

4. Overhaul Your Insurance

Inadequate insurance is like going on patrol without backup. Stupid and dangerous. Get term life insurance at 10-15 times your annual income. Disability insurance to cover 60-70% of your income minimum. Have you signed up for CLEA yet? This isn’t a nice-to-have. It’s a must-have.

5. Create an Iron-Clad Estate Plan

No will? You’re leaving your family exposed. Unacceptable. Get a will, set up a trust, assign power of attorney. Do it this week. Get the appointment on your calendar. This is about protecting your legacy. Don’t half-ass it.

6. Diversify Like Your Life Depends On It

One income stream? That’s amateur hour. You need multiple. Stocks, bonds, real estate, and side hustle (oh my!). Learn about index funds. Consider rental properties. Start a side hustle. Your goal: 5 income streams minimum. Remember, if you don’t find a way to make money while you sleep, you’ll work until you die.

7. Plan for the Big Stuff (Even If It Seems Impossible)

Small targets = small results. Think bigger. Want to retire at 50? Make it happen. Dream home? Write the exact address. Kids’ college? Full ride, debt-free. Set the goal, then reverse engineer it. Break them down into smaller, less terrifying chunks and start saving. Who knows, you might actually achieve them before you’re old enough to get the senior discount at Denny’s.

8. Long-Term Care: Because Your Body Will Betray You

Let’s be real – this job isn’t exactly gentle on the ol’ body. By the time you retire, you might need a little extra help. Start thinking about long-term care now, when you’re young enough that insurance companies don’t immediately laugh you out of the building. Your knees will thank you in about 30 years. So get long-term care insurance. Check out NPFBA as it’s designed for first responders like you. 

Conclusion: Excuse Me Officer…

Look, we get it. Thinking about finances is about as appealing as a midnight shift on New Year’s Eve. But unless you want to be working parking enforcement in your 70s, it’s time to get your financial ducks in a row. Besides, once you’ve tackled these goals, you can go back to complaining about paperwork and rookies who don’t know how to make decent coffee. Now that’s something to look forward to.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. “This sounds great, but I can’t afford it.” Stop it. That’s broke thinking. You can’t afford NOT to do this. Every day you delay is costing you thousands of dollars in future wealth. And let me tell you something – the best investment you can make is in yourself.

Here’s your action plan:

  1. Screenshot this list.
  2. Block out 2 hours this weekend.
  3. Create a specific plan for each point.
  4. Set weekly finance meetings with yourself.
  5. Review and adjust every month.

Remember, financial freedom isn’t about luck. It’s about strategy and relentless execution. You’ve got the discipline. You’ve got the grit. Now apply it to your money. Stop watching other people win on Instagram and start focusing on your own game.

This is your wake-up call, officer. You can keep making excuses, or you can start building real wealth and an awesome life for you and your loved ones. The market doesn’t care about your feelings. It only rewards action. So let’s go!

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