SPPOAC Parks Peace Officers

Individual Plan II 

Monthly Cost $32.00 per month, CSLEA Membership is Required 

Percentage Of Wages Protected*




70% of wages Non-Industrial Disability

70% of wages Industrial Disability (No Workers’ Compensation Permanent Disability offsets)

80% of wages for Catastrophic Disabilities for up to 30 months  – not to exceed maximum monthly benefit

Maximum Benefit of $10,000 per month, tax-free

Waiting Period 30 Calendar days – If less than 60 calendar days of personal leave, you may receive 50% of wages after 30 calendar days.  Otherwise, 60 calendar days.
Benefit Period

Lifetime: Sickness, Accident, and Pregnancy
(Industrial Disability and Non-Industrial Disabilities)

Two (2) Year “Own Occupation” definition of disability, thereafter any occupation that you may be reasonably suited for based on education, experience, or training 

Freeze of Personal Leave Option After 60 calendar days (if employer approved)
Personal Leave
Integration Benefit
After 60 calendar days, you may use personal leave and receive a supplemental benefit from the Plan up to the Maximum Benefit (if employer approved)
Cost of Living Benefit (COLA) 3% compounded per year (years 3-8) thereafter, CPI increase to age 65 and then continued lifetime
Return To Work Incentive Benefit $1,800 per month for Non-Industrial Catastrophic Total Disability if a Participant returns to gainful employment.
Waiver of Contributions Waiver of Contribution after no-pay status with employer
Stress & Psychological Conditions

Three (3) months per occurrence, eighteen (18) months maximum aggregate lifetime benefit

Must return to work for 1 year between each occurrence.

No limit if hospitalized.

Benefits Payable During Challenged Workers’ Compensation Cases After 60 calendar days – 70% of wages to a Maximum Benefit of $10,000 per month (Repayable only if settled in your favor)
Minimum Monthly Benefit

$1,000 per month – paid in addition to personal leave after 60 calendar days.

($100 per month for Industrial or Disputed Workers’ Compensation claims.)

Death Benefit

$65,000 Death Benefit on- or off-duty natural, accidental or terminal illness
($10,000 initial benefit then $1,000 per month for 55 months)

$10,000 for suicide ($2,000 first 2 Years in Plan**)

$20,000 Military Active Service Benefit 

Benefits may be payable within 24 hours of notification

Survivorship Benefit Six (6) months additional benefits to dependent beneficiary

Pre-Existing Medical

Condition Coverage

All pre-existing medical conditions will be covered once you have been in the Plan for sixty (60) unless you are eligible for the Prior Coverage Credit 
Ownership of Plan Operated, managed and funded by its Participants through a representative Board of Directors (non-profit California Corporation since 1985)

Special Provision: Participants not covered by Penal Code 830.1 and 830.2(a) will have limited benefits (36 months Maximum Benefit at 70% of wages and one (1) year Own Occupation Disability Plan Provision) if they suffer a disability that would normally be covered by Labor Code 3212 and its subchapters, and the disability is not determined to be job-related.

* Maximum percentages reflect amount payable after completion of (a) waiting period, (b) freeze of personal leave option, or (c) personal leave integration. Offsetting Benefit/Income Amounts are applied to reduce amount from the Plan.
** The Death Benefit for suicide is limited to $2,000 for the first twenty-four (24) months of participation in the Plan.
*** Forty-eight (48) months of Plan participation is required for Disability Benefits and Death Benefits related to HIV, AIDS, and ARC.

The California Law Enforcement Association (Safety Personnel) Long Term Disability Plan was established pursuant to the California Department of Insurance, Insurance Code Sections 11400 – 11407 (Peace Officers Benefit and Relief Association). CLEA is a non-profit corporation exempt from tax under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(9). The Plan has been independently reviewed by third-party actuaries and determined to have reserves that are expected to be adequate to satisfy obligations and is annually audited in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles.

Special Notice: If the LTD Plan is a union/association sponsored benefit and your payments are included as a negotiated benefit and you cease to be a member of your union or other participating association, you will not be eligible to be a Plan member unless continuing union/association membership is waived by your union or other participating association. Even if waived, your continued participation will be through your union or other participating association.

Request a Plan Description

This is a highlight page only – certain exceptions & limitations apply. See the complete Plan Document provisions for a more complete description of coverage.  For more information, please contact the Plan Administrator at 800-832-7333

CA Insurance Lic. #0544968