For police officers, the holidays don’t come wrapped in neat little bows. You’ve got patrols to handle, shifts to cover, and family traditions to uphold—all while making sure your “holiday cheer” doesn’t devolve into “holiday chaos.” If anyone can juggle it all with a side of snark and swagger, it’s you. Here’s a realistic guide to making the season work while balancing duty and family.
1. The Holiday Drive-By
Your patrol car isn’t just for catching speeders—it’s also Santa’s unofficial sleigh. Swing by the house during a quiet moment on your route and give the kids a thrill. Flash the lights, toot the siren, and tell them you’re working security for the big guy himself. Bonus points if you add, “Santa says you’re on the nice list—so far.”
2. The Squad Car Cookie Run
Who says you can’t share a little sweetness while on duty? During your meal break, drop off cookies to your family—preferably the kind they made, so you’re just returning the favor. Stash a few for yourself and call it “quality control.” Pro tip: dunk them in station coffee for an authentic “cop experience.”
3. The “Two Christmases” Card
Shift work ruining your Christmas morning? Spin it into a win. Tell the kids they’re getting a bonus holiday. “Lucky you, you get Christmas twice—once today and once when I’m off!” Seal the deal by adding an extra-special gift to their haul. Just make sure to avoid gas station plushies unless you’re really desperate (see Tip 6).
4. Midnight Ornament Drop
Come home in the dead of night like the stealthy operator you are, and hang a new ornament on the tree. Don’t tell anyone. Watching your family try to figure out who left it will become its own holiday mystery. If questioned, simply shrug and say, “Maybe it was Santa. Or maybe I just know a guy.”
5. The Last-Minute Holiday Blitz
On patrol and suddenly realize you’re short on gifts? Hit up the gas station for some holiday “treasures.” Think beef jerky bouquets, questionable cologne, or those weird Santa hats that light up. Wrap them in evidence bags for a hilariously unique gift exchange. Hey, it’s the thought that counts, right?
6. Dispatch Dinner Date
Your dispatchers are the unsung heroes of the holiday season. Surprise them with a sneak dinner delivery from your family, complete with a note: “Thanks for babysitting me on the radio tonight!” Not only will you score major brownie points, but you’ll also keep them happy—and we all know a happy dispatcher equals fewer sarcastic responses on the air.
7. Christmas Morning “Breach”
Forget the gentle, quiet holiday entrance. This is your moment to shine. Kick open the front door like you’re serving a warrant, and yell, “Merry Christmas, suspects!” Guaranteed giggles from the kids, a smirk from your partner, and possibly a few groans from your neighbors. You’re not just delivering holiday cheer—you’re enforcing it.
8. The Arrest List

Why should Santa have all the fun with naughty lists? Print out “police reports” for your kids showing that Santa’s goons have already been taken care of. “Don’t worry, kids, I arrested Krampus last night. He won’t be stealing any Christmas spirit around here!” Bonus: it’s a great way to reinforce why good behavior matters—year-round.
9. The Tactical Gift Unwrapping
Can’t make it home for gift opening? Set up a video call from your squad car and narrate the unwrapping like a pro. “I need eyes on the target. Repeat, eyes on the target. Oh, it’s LEGOs? Excellent. Mission accomplished.” You might not be there in person, but your family will love your humor and effort.
10. Holiday Perimeter Check
Turn your cop instincts into a festive family game. Before gift-opening or dinner, do a “perimeter sweep” of the house with the kids. Look for “evidence” of Santa’s arrival—cookie crumbs, boot prints near the fireplace, or even a dropped “North Pole” ID badge. The kids will love the detective work, and you’ll secretly get to check that everything is safe and sound (because you’re always on duty, even during the holidays)
11. Roll Call Reflection
Before you head out on your holiday shift, take a moment to share a toast or kind words with your squad. Reflect on the year, the people you’ve helped, and the support of your family. There’s a certain magic in knowing you’re part of a community that watches over others—even during the holidays.
Plan for the Holidays—and Beyond
Balancing holiday patrols and family traditions isn’t about doing everything perfectly—it’s about making the most of what you’ve got. Whether you’re raiding the tree with new ornaments or turning your shift into an improvised gift-giving adventure, the key is to keep your sense of humor and heart intact.
And remember, protecting your family doesn’t stop when the holidays end. Have you checked out CLEA’s long-term disability coverage? Ensuring your family’s financial security is the kind of tradition that keeps on giving. Learn more about how CLEA can support you and your loved ones year-round.